LawWorks and Attorney General Student Pro Bono Awards

Nominations for this year's LawWorks and Attorney General Student Pro Bono Awards will open at the beginning of February 2025.

LawWorks Student Pro Bono Awards 2025 LogoSupported by the Attorney General, the awards celebrate the best pro bono activities undertaken by law students and law schools and the positive impact on those assisted.

Nomination categories and how to nominate

We would like to hear about those people and projects that have made a real impact in the past year at your law school.  Please nominate any person, team or law school that has, in your view, carried out fantastic pro bono work and made a valuable contribution.

The categories for the 2025 awards are:

  • Best New Pro Bono Activity;
  • Best Contribution by an Individual Student;
  • Best Contribution by a Law School (Undergraduate and Postgraduate institutions);
  • Best Contribution by a Team of Students.

Any law school or individual can nominate itself or others for one or more of the categories listed. If you would like to nominate for more than one category, please complete a separate form for each nomination.

Make a nomination Read the nomination guidance

The deadline for nominations is 11pm on 3rd March 2025.

Please note that we can not accept late entries.

Judging and the awards event

The annual LawWorks and Attorney General Student Awards will be celebrated at an awards ceremony on Wednesday 23rd April 2025. 

All of the shortlisted nominees will be invited to attend. The awards also incorporate the Advocate and LawWorks Law School Challenge 2024 – 2025, where presentations will be made to the winners at the awards event.

The judges for the 2025 Awards will be announced shortly.

Need to get in touch?

If you have a question about the awards, please contact:

Sharon Batchelor, Fundraising and Events Officer, 07961 786067

The LawWorks and Attorney General's Student Pro Bono Awards are sponsored by:

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